High Level Beauty - Total Skin Solutions

Aesthetic Medicine,
Cosmetic Treatments &
Laser Therapy

Our Treat­ments
Our Treat­ments

The treatment is performed by our specia­lized medical doctor Dr. med. David Cerny.

Beauty Salon Zürich

Cosmetics & Beauty Treatments
in Zurich Seefeld for highest demands
in an exclusive beauty salon with the
latest apparative methods.

Call now or book an appointment online!

044 260 80 66

Beauty Salon Zürich

Cosmetics & Beauty Treatments
in Zurich Seefeld for highest demands
in an exclusive beauty salon with the
latest apparative methods.

Call now or book an appointment online!

044 260 80 66

Beauty Salon Zürich

Aesthetics Medical Beauty Salon & Skin Care Zurich

Call now
Phone Consul­tation

Aesthetics Medical, located in the heart of Zürich, is your trusted partner in maintaining your youthful appearance through cutting-edge, non-surgical treatments

Daniela Graci and her team have many years of experience in the field of aesthetic medicine and use the latest research innova­tions and technology to help you achieve a more beautiful appearance of your skin and your body. It is important for us to know your wishes in order to provide perso­na­lized advice and to offer you a treatment program tailored to your needs. During your experience at Aesthetics Medical, we strive to ensure your complete comfort and to provide an environment in which you are able to relax from the stress of everyday life.

Our practice is located in the middle of the city, near the Lake of Zürich and Sechse­läu­ten­platz, and is easily acces­sible by public transport and by car.

We look forward to meeting you during a personal consul­tation regarding your aesthetic needs and goals.

Your team at Aesthetics Medical

Beauty Salon & Beauty Care in Zurich Seefeld /​Bellevue

Get to know us


More about the Team


More about the practice

Skin & Beauty Treatments

We offer a wide range of skin rejuve­nating facials, modulating body treat­ments and scar correction to help you feel good about your skin and your body. In doing so, it is of great concern to us to preserve your natural beauty.

Dr. med. David Cerny completes our range of aesthetic treat­ments, including regene­rative lifting treatment, wrinkle and volume correc­tions using the latest technology with the latest laser models and medical micro­needling equipment.

About the treatments
Phone Consul­tation
A woman is holding a beauty product in her hand.


Find out which products are used in our treat­ments and why we trust them.


Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions, would like a consul­tation or a treatment appointment, we look forward to hearing from you.