Our Products

Yoga unique logo on a black background.

You are unique

VOGA Unique™ re­pres­ents the per­fect sym­bio­sis bet­ween nature’s raw ma­te­ri­als and the most in­no­va­tive tech­no­lo­gies in the cos­me­tic-sci­en­ti­fic field. The pro­ducts are based on the active in­gre­dients of the best wild plants, selec­ted at the time of their ma­xi­mum rich­ness and har­ve­sted by hand.

Yasa skin care on a white background showcasing their products.

Voga Unique

VOGA Unique was born from the encounter and symbiosis between science and nature. The skincare line represents the maximum expression of artisanal phyto­c­os­metic excel­lence made in Italy. All this to give you a complete facial treatment rich in powerful plant-based ingre­dients for those who love nature and want an immediately visible result.

A variety of skin care products displayed on a pink background.


To maintain and improve the condition of the skin, an effective skin care program must be based on three pillars: Prevention, protection and correction.