Fruit Acid Peel /​Chemical Peel

Product Summary

  • Treats hyper­pig­men­tation, (acne) scars, large pores & wrinkles
  • Removes dead skin cells, smoothes and softens the skin
  • Moistu­rises and promotes cell division and collagen formation
  • Refines & unclogs pores
  • Has anti-inflammatory & antibac­terial effects
  • Price is per treatment: Depending on treatment area
  • No needles used & no anaes­thesia required
  • Not recom­mended in the summer months, aftercare recommended
A woman enjoying facial treatments at a spa.

What is a fruit acid /​chemical peel?

A chemical peel is used for the aesthetic derma­to­lo­gical treatment of the skin by removing the outer skin layer with the help of active ingre­dients including fruit acids such as mandelic acid, glycolic acid and citric acid. This peeling process removes dead skin cells, regene­rates the skin and is suitable for impure, large-pored skin or skin diseases such as acne, increased corni­fi­cation or rosacea.

After one treatment, the skin is refreshed, moistu­rised, and firmed. Fine lines and wrinkles are reduced. The overall appearance and tone of the skin is more even. The skin also becomes more receptive to valuable active ingre­dients and, depending on the concen­tration, even to the stimu­lation of collagen production.

Depending on the skin type, different fruit acid peelings are used, which are based on the following combi­na­tions: AHA (alpha hydroxy acids), BHA (beta hydroxy acids) or PHA (polyhy­droxy acids).

  • AHA is based on lactic acid, mandelic acid and glycolic acid and works on the surface of the skin and is suitable for sensitive, normal to dry skin and sun-damaged skin. AHA is parti­cu­larly effective in improving skin texture.
  • BHA is based on salicylic acid and is suitable for normal to oily skin. It is ideal for treatment of imper­fec­tions, large pores and blemish-prone skin. BHA also belongs to the super­ficial chemical peelings, but has a pore-deep effect in contrast to exclu­sively AHA-based peelings. Therefore, this solution is also suitable for corni­fi­cation disorders, acne and psoriasis.
  • PHA-based peels consist of large molecules and do not penetrate as deeply into the skin. This type of peel is suitable for sensitive skin types that are easily irritated.

Other chemical peels are not primarily derived from fruit acids, but from vegetables and wheat or other chemical compounds.

Advan­tages of fruit acid /​chemical peel

What are the advan­tages of a fruit acid /​chemical peel?

Fruit acid peeling or chemical peels are among the most effective methods of improving the skin's appearance in a very short time. The following benefits are associated with this treatment:

  1. Improved skin texture: The skin texture is signi­fi­cantly improved by the peeling. Blemishes and impurities due to acne are signi­fi­cantly reduced and clogged pores are unclogged. Pigmen­tation spots also disappear or are signi­fi­cantly reduced. Dead skin is removed and the entire complexion looks more even, firmer and smoother.
  2. Preventive method: The fruit acid peeling and other chemical peelings have an anti-inflammatory and antibac­terial effect - this effect especially helps to prevent skin diseases, corni­fi­cation disorders and skin impurities.
  3. Gentle method: Although the treatment results in the peeling of the skin, it is still a super­ficial to medium-deep treatment of the skin.
  4. Anti-aging effect: The top layer of skin and, depending on the depth of treatment, the under­lying dermis are in the process of regene­ration after treatment. Cell division and collagen synthesis are promoted depending on the strength of the peeling. In addition, the skin is parti­cu­larly receptive to active ingre­dients. Overall, the skin is moistu­rised and appears smoother and firmer. Fine lines and wrinkles are reduced and the skin appears more youthful and smoother.
  5. Non-invasive method: The peel is performed without needles or injec­tions. The solution is applied directly to cleansed and dried skin. How much the skin peels depends on the active ingredient.
  6. Multiple effects: Peeling achieves visible impro­ve­ments in 
    • the removal of pigmen­tation spots or melasma
    • sunken scars,
    • large pores or
    • sagging skin and wrinkles
    • for skin impurities and corni­fi­cation disorders

Further advan­tages include:

  • No anaes­thesia, no incision and no scars
  • Good tolerance according to experience
  • Cleansing, antibac­terial and anti-inflammatory effect

Who should not get a fruit acid /​chemical peel?

The downtime depends on the depth of the peel. In addition, the treatment may cause redness, irritation and tightness of the skin. These effects may be perceived as unpleasant, but are normal as part of the therapy. Nevert­heless, if possible, no important atten­dance appoint­ments should be scheduled during the healing phase.

The treatment is not recom­mended for:

  • Skin rashes, skin diseases (e.g., herpes, eczema, neuro­der­ma­titis) or irritated skin
  • Acute viral diseases of the face
  • People with fresh wounds or wound healing disorders
  • Patients under­going treatment (e.g., Roaccutane, photo­sen­si­tising drugs)
  • Summer time
  • Medium depth peels are not suitable for darker skin
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding

How much does a fruit acid /​chemical peel cost?

Face, neck or décolleté CHF 200
Treat­ments on the body (depending on the treatment zone) from CHF 200

Who will benefit from a fruit acid /​chemical peel?

Our peelings are suitable for patients with skin problems (such as acne, hyper­pig­men­tation, corni­fi­cation disorders or scars), sagging, large-pored skin or a tired complexion. The treatment is well tolerated, but redness, irritation, itching and tightness of the skin may occur during the downtime. No important appoint­ments should be scheduled immediately after the treatment and during the downtime.

Our fruit acid peels can be performed on both men and women.
Before the treatment, a consul­tation is held and your skin is analysed for current irrita­tions. You inform us if you are ill or if you are under­going treatment and taking medication.

Other prere­qui­sites are the willingness to carefully treat the skin after the peeling (e.g., with sun protection and care products), the possi­bility of not taking up any physi­cally strenuous activities or attending appoint­ments during the planned downtime.

The treatment is not suitable for irrita­tions, skin rashes, skin allergies or damaged skin. Also easily irritable skin or the intake of certain, photo­sen­si­tising medicines as well as internal diseases exclude the application.

Certain active ingre­dients can penetrate deep into the skin. The treatment is therefore not recom­mended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What areas can be treated with fruit acid /​chemical peel?

The peel is usually applied to the face, neck, décolleté and body.

When you come to our practice for your treatment, we can discuss the possible areas that could benefit from this procedure. We offer free consul­ta­tions so you can learn more about your options before deciding if and which fruit acid peel /​chemical peel is right for you.

Procedure: How does a fruit acid /​chemical peel treatment proceed?

1. Preli­minary discussion /​consul­tation:

At the beginning of the first session, our expert will have a consul­tation with you. This will determine your desired result and treatment area, as well as whether and which peel is suitable for you. We inform you about possible risks and the realistic results to be expected. Subse­quently, we agree on the type and duration of the therapy before starting in order to achieve optimal results.

2. Before the treatment:

After the consul­tation, the session is started. The area to be treated - face, neck, décolleté and/​or body - is cleansed. Please do not apply heavy creams or make-up before the treatment, if possible, at least two hours before.

3. During treatment:

During the treatment, the skin is prepared for the absorption of the respective active ingre­dients. The active ingre­dients are applied and later washed off or neutra­lised depending on the exposure time. The procedure varies depending on the therapy and the desired intensity of the peeling. You will be informed about the procedure before the treatment.

4. After the treatment:

After the treatment, the skin typically benefits from better circulation, becomes tighter and starts to regenerate. Depending on the intensity and depth of treatment, a feeling of tension may occur and the skin begins to peel after a few hours. When and how strong the exfoli­ation is depending on the respective active ingre­dient. Accor­dingly, we recommend caring for the skin immediately after treatment according to instruc­tions, avoiding sporting activities during the downtime (this may vary depending on the therapy) and protecting the treatment area from direct sunlight.

Some peels are very gentle; however, we recommend that the next chemical or fruit acid-based peel be repeated after one week at the earliest.

If you experience skin irritation, itching or other problems after the treatment, you can contact us at any time. We are here for you.

What to expect with fruit acid /​chemical peel?

The results are very individual, as the success of the treatment depends on the initial situation of the skin texture and the desired result. Our treatment experience shows that the skin has signi­fi­cantly finer pores, pigmen­tation disorders such as age spots, melasma and sun spots are signi­fi­cantly reduced or disappear completely.

In the case of scars, the result depends on the size and depth of the scars and can vary depending on the duration of treatment. An impro­vement is visible in most patients after the first treatment. For optimal results, we recommend at least a series of two to three sessions.

Due to the different needs and skin types, we offer a range of chemical peels. Some are fruit acid based and are suitable for the treatment of acne scars, pigmen­tation spots and sagging skin.

Other peels, such as the Ferulac peel, also offers versatile results against hyper­pig­men­tation, sun damage and improve skin texture. However, it is gentle on the skin with a parti­cu­larly gentle exfoliation.

Azelaic acid-based peels use a natural active ingre­dient from grains and have anti-inflammatory and antimi­crobial effects. This can be parti­cu­larly helpful for patients who suffer from skin blemishes, acne and pimples. Sebum production is regulated, hyper­pig­men­tation is reduced and melanin production is inhibited resulting in an even skin tone.

We offer free consul­ta­tions so you can learn more about your options before deciding if and which peel is right for your skin and needs.

Does a fruit acid peel /​chemical peel help against stretch marks?

Yes. According to appli­cation examples, the solution is also effective against stretch marks. If you would like to treat other zones on the body, you are welcome to contact us and we will invite you for consul­tation and treatment.

How does a fruit acid /​chemical peel work?

We offer different peelings, which are used for cosmetic and aesthetic derma­to­lo­gical treatment. There are different degrees of effec­ti­veness from super­ficial peelings to medium-deep treat­ments. All treat­ments cause a peeling of the uppermost skin layer (epidermis). This can treat age-related phenomena such as wrinkles and fine lines, as well as pigment spots and inflammation as well as corni­fi­cation disorders. The treatment removes dead skin cells and stimu­lates the skin's regene­ration process. New collagen fibres and elastin are formed. The skin is supplied with moisture and is restruc­tured - this leads to a smoother skin appearance, which looks firmer and more youthful.

Fruit acid peels based on AHA (glycolic acid, lactic acid and mandelic acid) are suitable for an improved moisture balance, for removing dead skin cells, for firm and smooth skin, for supporting collagen formation and for reducing hyper­pig­men­tation. Fruit acid peels based on BHA (salicylic acid) have a stronger effect, additio­nally cleaning clogged pores and refining them. In addition, these peelings have anti-inflammatory and antibac­terial effects.

Medium-depth treat­ments can be based on fruit acid, among other things, but also on TCA (trichlo­roacetic acid). They are recom­mended for deeper wrinkles, sun-damaged skin and pigmen­tation disorders as well as acne-related blemishes and scars.

With more intensive peels, the effect is stronger for smoother and firmer skin, but the healing time is also longer and the risk of side effects is higher.

How does fruit acid /​chemical peel feel and is it painful?

Peeling can cause redness, burning, tingling and tightness or itching of the skin during and after the treatment. As the uppermost layer of skin is removed, the skin becomes more sensitive and must be cared for and protected accordingly.

The deeper the peeling penetrates into the skin, the more effective the treatment is - however, the aftercare and healing process takes longer. We offer super­ficial to medium-deep treat­ments in our practice and are also there for you after the treatment.

What are the possible risks and side effects of fruit acid /​chemical peel?

Possible side effects and risks with super­ficial to medium depth peels include skin irritation such as redness, burning, itching and tightness of the skin. Skin irritation subsides after a few hours or a few days with super­ficial peels. With peels of greater intensity, the face tends to be unpre­sen­table until the required recovery time has passed. In addition, the uppermost skin layer peels off. Therefore, no important appoint­ments should be made during the downtime.

Rare side effects include pigmentary shifts, infec­tions or prolonged itching. The risk of side effects is increased by smoking and sun exposure - both should be avoided. Sun protection is indis­pensable after treatment. In addition, the skin is sensitive - it should not be damaged and should not be treated itself in case of newly occurring inflamma­tions /​skin impurities.

Another peeling should be repeated after one week at the earliest, depending on the treatment. Some peelings also require specific after-treatment with products. We will inform you about the correct aftercare so that the healing phase runs smoothly.

How long does the recovery take?

The healing phase can take up to a week. Gentler peels require a shorter downtime. This basically depends on the active ingre­dient and the intensity of the peel and is therefore deter­mined individually.

Can I do sports after the fruit acid /​chemical peel?

We recommend that you do not take up any sporting activities directly after the treatment, but wait for the healing time. After­wards, physi­cally strenuous activities can be resumed.

How long is the skin sensitive after fruit acid /​chemical peel treatment?

The top layer of the skin is removed by the treatment. Depending on the intensity of the treatment, the skin may be sensitive, reddened and irritated for up to a week. A further peeling should therefore be carried out after 7 to 10 days at the earliest.

How long does it take to see results with the fruit acid /​chemical peel?

Immediately after the treatment, you will have noticeably firmer, more hydrated skin with better circulation. Lines, crow's feet and other wrinkles are reduced and refined. Depending on the strength of the peeling, the uppermost skin layer is exfoliated over the next 3 to 7 days - after about a week or less, the results begin to be visible. I.e., pigment spots disappear, inflammation is clearly reduced and the skin is smoother and altog­ether fresher.

Experience shows that it takes five to six sessions to refine sunken scars. The results depend very indivi­dually on the given skin structure and tolerance.

We recommend repeating the treat­ments at intervals of 7-10 days if several sessions are planned.

Feel free to book a free consul­tation appointment so that we can discuss how many treat­ments you need to achieve your desired results. This will also allow us to estimate when you are likely to achieve your desired result.

Can I enhance the fruit acid /​chemical peel results with additional peeling treatments?

Yes, but we recommend further peels after one week at the earliest, so that the skin has time to regenerate. In addition, radio­fre­quency treat­ments and mesotherapy are suitable methods to complement the treatment and thus achieve the desired goals.

How long do the results of fruit acid /​chemical peel last?

Scar removal is permanent. The skin is visibly smoothed and firmer. Pigmen­tation disorders can be reduced or perma­nently disappear. As the uppermost skin layer peels off, skin impurities, corni­fi­cation, pimples and clogged pores are loosened - inflammation is reduced. Whether these results are long-lasting depends on the individual skin condition.

How many sessions are needed?

The number of sessions depends very much on the treatment goal. Some peels already cause the reduction or total removal of e.g., pigment spots after the first treatment. Other skin condi­tions require an average of 3 to 6 treat­ments. The success is very individual and depends on the respective skin texture and the desired result.

We offer free consul­ta­tions and are happy to talk to you about whether a fruit acid /​chemical peel is right for you and appro­xi­m­ately how many treat­ments are necessary for your goal.

What makes fruit acid /​chemical peel different from other methods? What makes the procedure unique?

Fruit acid and chemical peels remove the top layer of the skin with the help of chemical agents. Other methods include mecha­nical peeling (e.g., micro­der­ma­brasion) or peeling with laser.

Chemical peels offer an alter­native to super­ficial to medium depth treat­ments in our practice. Super­ficial treat­ments remove the uppermost skin layer, medium-depth treat­ments remove the entire outer skin layers. By indivi­dually applying an active ingre­dient, its concen­tration and exposure time, the strength of the peeling can be controlled according to the skin's needs and unique condition. This makes it possible to offer gentler methods of exfoli­ation. In addition, chemical peels have an anti-inflammatory and antimi­crobial effect, which benefits patients suffering from skin impurities, acne and corni­fi­cation disorders without further stressing the skin.

Other advan­tages over other methods:

  • Shorter downtime
  • No surgery, needles or anaes­thesia required
  • Effective for the treatment of pigmen­tation disorders
  • Antimi­crobial, anti-inflammatory effect

When and how was fruit acid /​chemical peel discovered?

The first descrip­tions of chemical peels for skin rejuve­nation date back to ancient Egypt. Modern phenol-based chemical peels were disco­vered in the 1940s in the USA. In the 1970s, research was conducted into the effect of fruit acids on the skin and the excessive removal of horny layers and the disap­pearance of relief wrinkles was disco­vered. Today, there is a range of chemical peelings that can penetrate the skin super­fi­cially, medium deep and deep.