eCO2TM – Dual Skin Renewal Laser

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Product Summary

  • Skin renewal through innovative eCO2TM laser system
  • Skin rejuve­nation; reduces fine lines, wrinkles and furrows

  • Provides a balanced complexion and improved skin texture

  • Helps with scars, pigmen­tation disorders and age spots

  • Provides radiant skin and even skin tone

  • Promotes coagu­lation of the connective tissue and thus skin tightening

  • Effective for the treatment of stretch marks/​stretch marks

  • FDA-approved, CE-certified
A woman is getting an eCO2 laser treatment in a medical office.

What is eCO2TM?

eCO2TM combines the innovative properties of fractional technology with the ablative properties of a CO2 laser. Thanks to the proprietary "Controlled Chaos Technology", the downtime for the patient is minimal and the skin damaged by heat can regenerate quickly.

The eCO2TM laser can treat the skin either super­fi­cially or in the collagen fibre-rich reticular layer of the skin. This makes it a multi­func­tional device that can be used for various skin problems such as pigmen­tation disorders, wrinkles, sagging skin and scars.

Advan­tages of eCO2TM

What are the advan­tages of an eCO2TM laser treatment?

The following advan­tages are associated with eCO2TM laser therapy:

  1. Multiple results: The treatment is compa­rable to a deep peel, which can treat the skin on the surface or down to the dermis. The following clinical indica­tions can be treated: 
    • Scars: acne scars, surgical, burn and injury scars (e.g., due to burns).
    • Fine lines, deep wrinkles and furrows
    • Sagging and sallow skin
    • Large pores
    • Irregu­la­rities in skin texture or tone; pigmen­tation disorders, age spots, melasma and vascular disco­lou­ration (dyschromia)
    • Stretch marks/​stretch marks
  2. Indivi­dua­lised therapy: The eCO2TM laser combines simplicity and functional complexity at the same time: the treatment grids can be set randomly or regularly and the scanning sizes can be selected according to the treatment objective. Thanks to this range of function­ality, the therapy can be indivi­dually tailored for the patient depending on the skin type and skin problem, and thus the optimal result can also be achieved.
  3. Maximum patient comfort: The eCO2TM laser is one of the leading fractional and ablative lasers, which provides increased safety, a shorter healing phase and excep­tional results. The techno­lo­gical features allow ultimate control over the energy delivery. In addition, thanks to the dynamic mode, the grid-like pattern on the skin found in other CO2 laser systems can be avoided.
  4. Short healing phase: Laser treatment is a minimally invasive procedure and thus requires no or minimal downtime of 2-6 days (this also depends on the treatment area, skin type and intensity). It is a gentle and effective method - the skin is not exces­sively damaged to result in a deep effect. In our experience, the first redness and swelling disappear after a few hours. For facial treat­ments, it is advisable not to schedule any important appoint­ments in the following days, just to be on the safe side.
  5. Direct effect and long-term results: Immediately after the session, the regene­ration process of the skin starts. Depending on the intensity of the treatment, small crusts form and gradually fall off. The skin renewal is then clearly visible: a fresh, radiant appearance, refined pores, more elasticity and a more regular skin texture restore a balanced, youthful complexion. In the weeks that follow, the skin continues to work in the deeper layers, so that over the next few months the entire complexion not only appears younger and fresher, but also firmer and more even.

Further advan­tages include:

  • No general anaes­thesia, but light anaes­thetic with local anaes­thetic ointment
  • No incision and no scars, no surgery
  • Deep-penet­rating effect without severely damaging the skin

Who should not get an eCO2TM laser treatment?

The treatment is not recom­mended for those with:

  • Skin rashes, skin diseases (e.g., herpes, eczema, neuro­der­ma­titis) or irritated skin
  • Allergy or hypersensitivity
  • Inflammatory acne
  • Patients under­going treatment (e.g., Roaccutane, photo­sen­si­tising drugs)

Ideally, the skin should not be tanned for the appli­cation. Therefore, it is recom­mended to avoid sunbathing and solarium for about 4 weeks before and 6 weeks after the treatment.

How much does an eCO2TM laser treatment cost?

The current prices for an eCO2TM laser therapy depend on the treatment area(s):

Face single treatment CHF 800
Face, in a 3-package CHF 2’000
Neck single treatment CHF 600
Neck, in a 3-package CHF 1’500
Décolleté single treatment CHF 500
Décolleté, in a 3-package CHF 1’300
Cheeks CHF 500
Upper lip CHF 500
Eyes CHF 500
Nose CHF 500
Other treatment areas Price on enquiry
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Who will benefit from an eCO2TM laser treatment?

The method is parti­cu­larly suitable for patients who suffer from deep wrinkles, severe scarring and furrows and want a gentle but effective method. This also applies to pigmen­tation disorders and disco­lou­ration. The targeted heat may have a deep effect, but results in gentle ablation and fine crust formation.

The treatment is also suitable for patients who prefer a treatment without needles or chemical agents (as with a peel).

In addition, the effec­ti­veness is remar­kable: many deep-seated skin problems are already elimi­nated after the first sessions. For patients who want an effective method with minimal downtime, eCO2TM laser therapy is recommended.

In principle, we apply laser therapy to untanned skin. We therefore ask you, if possible, to refrain from visits to the solarium and sunbathing for about 4 weeks before your appointment. No special requi­re­ments are necessary before the treatment itself. The general restric­tions for the treatment are described above and of course exclude a treatment.

For the needs and situation analysis, we hold a consul­tation with you in advance and analyse your skin for current irrita­tions. You inform us if you are ill or if you are under­going treatment and taking medication.

Appro­priate skin care and sun protection after­wards is important for a successful laser treatment. Avoid direct sunlight or sunbathing for at least 6 weeks after your session.

We do not recommend the treatment for acute skin rashes, inflammatory acne, diseases and irritation of the skin. The same applies to patients under­going drug treatment. As a matter of principle, we do not perform laser therapy on patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Furthermore, laser therapy is also associated with aftercare, i.e., not exposing the skin to direct sunlight. If you are planning a holiday, it is advisable to have the treatment a few weeks after or before.

The eCO2TM laser treatment is one of the most effective methods for treating stretch marks. After a few sessions, even stubborn cases are signi­fi­cantly reduced or hardly visible anymore.

The treatment is not recom­mended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What areas can be treated with eCO2TM laser?

It can treat the face, neck, décolleté and body.

When you come to our practice for your treatment, we can discuss the possible areas that could benefit from this procedure. We offer consul­ta­tions so you can learn more about your options before deciding if eCO2TM laser treatment is right for you.

Procedure: How does an eCO2TM treatment proceed?

1. Preli­minary discussion /​consul­tation:

At the beginning of the first session, our expert will have a consul­tation with you. This will determine your desired result and treatment area, as well as whether eCO2TM laser method is suitable for you. We inform you about possible risks and the realistic results to be expected. Subse­quently, we agree on the type and duration of the therapy before starting in order to achieve optimal results.

2. Before the treatment:

After the consul­tation, the session is started. The intensity and mode are programmed according to the preli­minary consul­tation. The corre­sponding skin area is cleaned and an anaes­thetic ointment is applied.

3. During treatment:

A handpiece that is moved like an airbrush emits a targeted micro-laser beam at short intervals. The laser energy is released into the target area in a controlled manner and cold air is supplied at the same time. This prevents the risk of heat accumu­lation and is also more comfor­table for the patient.

4. After the treatment:

Depending on the treatment area, a cooling mask is then applied, followed by a care treatment. In some cases, we use light therapy/​LED therapy to shorten the healing phase.

As expected, the skin is reddened and possibly slightly swollen. These symptoms subside after a few hours and the skin returns to normal. If you experience any prolonged side effects or other discomfort after the treatment, you can contact us at any time. We are here for you.

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What to expect with an eCO2TM laser treatment?

After an eCO2TM laser treatment, cell stimu­lation is activated in the deeper skin layers and the formation of new collagen is stimu­lated. The laser therefore not only works super­fi­cially, but can also work in the reticular layer of the skin. This skin renewal process is visible to patients after the healing phase, as the tissue is firmer and the skin gains elasticity and tone. The overall appearance of the skin is more harmo­nious due to the more even skin texture, refinement of pores and irregu­la­rities in skin tone or structure. This relative skin rejuve­nation effect is generally noticeable in patients.

Indivi­dually, the treatment success depends on the initial situation and the treatment goal. Scars (e.g., due to acne, surgery, or accident scars) are clearly refined and, depending on their depth and size, they can be largely reduced after several treat­ments. Pigment spots and disco­lou­ra­tions are reduced or disappear completely a few days after the treatment - as soon as the top layer of skin has been removed and the crust gradually falls off.

For stretch marks, eCO2TM laser treatment is one of the most effective methods. After several sessions, even stubborn stretch marks are signi­fi­cantly reduced and sometimes barely visible.

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How does eCO2TM laser system work?

Basically, the eCO2TM laser system works with the concept of controlled heat emission in the form of

  • a high-intensity light beam to ablate the uppermost layer of skin
  • laser penetration to heat the deeper dermis.

Due to this dual charac­te­ristic, the laser works super­fi­cially and in depth - compa­rable to a deep peeling without chemical agents and with a gentle removal of the skin surface. In the dermis, the heat emission stimu­lates collagen production.

The programming allows a dynamic mode, which enables a conti­nuous heat release. The treatment area is thus less delineated or stamped. This also makes it less visible and the reddening and subse­quent crusting appears more natural.

Another valuable feature is the wide appli­cation of the eCO2TM laser. Different attach­ments and spot sizes allow the skin to be treated at different depths:

  • Small: scars, deep wrinkles, tightening
  • Medium: Large pores, skin structure, radiant skin
  • High: skin tone, skin texture, radiant skin

The patented Controlled Chaos Technology (CTTTM) provides rando­mised delivery of the laser pulses so that between laser beams the tissue reaches the highest possible heat output. This offers increased safety and shortens the healing phase.

How does eCO2TM laser treatment feel and is it painful?

Before an eCO2TM laser treatment, an anaes­thetic ointment is applied to the skin area to be treated. Cold air is also applied to the area where the micro-laser beam is emitted. This alleviates the noticeable heat develo­pment and the associated pain, which is perceived differ­ently from one patient to another.

Immediately after the treatment, the skin feels like it has been sunburned and may be red and slightly swollen. This subsides after a few hours.

In the following days, a crust or small crusts will form on the treated skin area. This is normal and part of the healing process. The skin regene­rates and these crusts gradually fall off like old skin flakes. During this time, you may feel itching and a slight tightening. This feeling is not painful but may be unpleasant.

What are the possible risks and side effects of an eCO2TM treatment?

It is a minimally invasive procedure with individual setting per patient and treatment goal. In rare cases, pigmentary changes and lip herpes may occur. For the latter, prophy­laxis is recom­mended if there is a tendency for herpes to form. Pigmentary changes that occur usually disappear in the following weeks.

The aim of the treatment is to stimulate skin renewal on the surface or in the deeper layers of the skin. Crusting, slight reddening and swelling of the treated area are normal.

We will be happy to advise you before your treatment about potential risks and whether eCO2TM laser treatment is suitable for you and your desired goals.

How long does the recovery take?

After an eCO2TM laser treatment, the skin is reddened and at most slightly swollen. After 1 to 24 hours the redness disap­pears. In the next 2 to 3 days, the crust that has formed begins to loosen. It takes a maximum of 5 to 10 days until the skin has completely recovered and the new, fresh skin is revealed.

This process is slightly uncom­for­table in some areas as the skin regene­rates and a slight pulling sensation can be noticed. The patient is usually accus­tomed to their social life again after the treatment, depending on the treatment area. For more intensive treat­ments or for treat­ments on the face, it is recom­mended to schedule important atten­dance appoint­ments from the 5th day after the session.

Can I do sports after the eCO2TM laser treatment?

For optimal regene­ration of the skin, we recommend that you resume your sporting activities from the 4th day of eCO2TM laser treatment at the earliest.

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How long is the skin sensitive after eCO2TM laser treatment?

The skin is sensitive immediately after the treatment and should heal on the same day without further products and make-up if possible. In the following days, the skin may be slightly itchy and tight as it regene­rates. This process is mildly uncom­for­table at best, but not painful and lasts a maximum of 5-7 days.

The skin itself remains sensitive to sun exposure during the following weeks. For further aftercare, we recommend a rich moistu­riser and general daily sun protection, as well as avoiding direct sun exposure. This prevents the potential hyperpigmentation.

How long does it take to see results with the eCO2TM laser treatment?

About 5-10 days after the treatment, the skin recovers and the redness disap­pears. The crust formed gradually falls off - this can take days depending on the intensity. After­wards, the skin appears in a new glow, fresh and supple. It is clearly firmer, has finer pores and gains elasticity. You will experience the glow effect shortly after the treatment. Pigmentary shifts, scars, age spots and irregu­la­rities in skin tone are visibly reduced or have disap­peared completely - however, the results are also dependent on the severity of the skin problem. Skin regene­ration is still ongoing and in the next 4 to 8 weeks you will see the diffe­rences even more clearly.

For some indica­tions, just one treatment can be effective. For more severe skin problems, we recommend an initial series of 3-4 treat­ments at intervals of 4-8 weeks to achieve the best results. After that, depending on the success of the treatment, the therapy is suitable as a preventive anti-ageing method or can be repeated again for specific concerns.

Feel free to book a consul­tation appointment so that we can discuss how many treat­ments you need to achieve your desired results. This will also allow us to estimate when you are likely to achieve your desired result.

How long do the results of eCO2TM laser treatment last?

In the area of scar treatment, the results are long-term. The skin texture is refined, the tissue within this area of the skin becomes firmer and tightened. The skin texture appears more harmo­nious, the skin structure changes - scars are reduced and clearly less visible.

Existing pigment changes and age spots can also be removed in the long term.

Age-related wrinkles, stretch marks and sagging skin can be successfully treated with the eCO2TM laser. The sustaina­bility of the results is individual and depends on various factors such as, on the patient's lifestyle, tissue firmness and skin condition at the beginning of the treatment.

How many sessions are needed?

The number of sessions depends on the desired treatment goal and the condition of the skin at the beginning of the laser therapy. Initially, we recommend a series of 3 to 4 treat­ments at intervals of 4 to 8 weeks. This gives the skin enough time to recover and it is possible to observe the success of the treatment successively.

For scar treatment and reduction of pigmen­tation disorders, an initial series can already deliver very good results. Experience shows that the progress is enormous. Depending on the severity, treatment results of accidental scars, injuries and deep wrinkles can be optimised by further sessions.

For skin renewal in general, the eCO2TM laser offers a preventive possi­bility to slow down the natural progressive skin ageing process. We recommend that you have the eCO2TM laser treatment once a year.

We offer consul­ta­tions and are happy to talk to you about whether an eCO2TM laser treatment is right for you and appro­xi­m­ately how many treat­ments are necessary for your goal.

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How long does an eCO2TM treatment last?

Depending on the treatment area, a duration of approx. 1 hour is to be expected.

What makes eCO2TM laser treatment different from other methods? What makes the procedure unique?

While conven­tional lasers are used for mild sun damage and wrinkles, the eCO2TM laser offers dramatic impro­ve­ments for deep wrinkles, scars and pigmen­tation disorders. And thanks to the innovative technology, maximum heat dissi­pation is possible between each micro-laser beam. This not only increases safety during appli­cation, but also shortens the healing phase for the patient by not excee­dingly damaging the skin.

Compared to chemical peels, the eCO2TM laser can target specific areas of the skin to be treated with increased precision, while better managing the risk of excessive exfoli­ation and skin irritation. In addition, the eCO2TM laser delivers longer-lasting results by working deeper into the under­lying skin layer and stimu­lating collagen production. While several chemical peels also improve skin texture and even out skin tone, the eCO2TM laser achieves similar skin renewal results in as little as one session. Nevert­heless, chemical peels are a non-invasive way to work on the surface of the skin and remove the top layer. This also leaves the skin looking smooth and fresh. The range of chemical peels is wide and also depends on toler­a­bility, treatment duration and the patient's treatment goal.

Compared to Genius Mini-Lifting and RF Micro­needling, the deeper skin layers are also reached for cell renewal. However, the effect on the skin surface is not ablative. I.e., both methods refine the skin texture, tighten the skin and firm the tissue. However, only the eCO2TM laser can gently treat the uppermost layer of the skin so that old skin cells are removed. This makes it possible to treat pigmen­tation disorders and disco­lou­ration more effec­tively. Another important diffe­rence is the type of micro-injuries in the skin: the eCO2TM laser does not use needles, but works exclu­sively with targeted heat emission in the specific skin area. With Genius Mini-Lifting and RF Micro­needling, the heat is less intense, but the skin is treated with fine needles.

Last but not least, classical facelifting is also a method of skin tightening compared to laser therapy. Here, a surgical inter­vention is necessary and the healing time is signi­fi­cantly longer. The eCO2TM laser treatment, on the other hand, is not only minimally invasive and gentle, but also means a reduced risk of compli­ca­tions and late effects.

Other advan­tages over alter­native methods:

  • No to minimal downtime
  • No needles
  • No surgery required
  • Good tolerance; gentle on the surface of the skin

When and how was eCO2TM discovered?

The first CO2 laser was invented by Kumar Patel in 1964 and used in industry for metal­working. In aesthetic medicine, fractionated CO2 lasers have been used for scar treatment and wrinkle smoothing since 1995.

The eCO2TM laser system has already been approved by the FDA since 2009 and has proven itself with the patented CCT as a minimally invasive procedure for skin renewal.