CoolS­culpting® - Cryoli­po­lysis | Fat Reduction

Fast Facts

  • Reduction of fat tissue by up to 25%
  • 90% of CoolS­culpting patients improved their body image, studies show
  • Prices per treatment: from CHF 600
  • Treatment duration: approx. 1 hour
  • Minimal downtime

  • Non-invasive procedure & no anesthesia required
  • FDA-approved

Before and after pictures

What is CoolSculpting?

CoolS­culpting - or cryoli­po­lysis - is a medical aesthetic procedure that freezes away excess fat deposits on your body. The procedure takes advantage of a certain natural process that your body uses to get rid of excess fat cells. CoolS­culpting is the most popular non-invasive medical treatment for slimming certain areas of the body.

Pros and cons of CoolSculpting

What are the advan­tages of CoolSculpting?

CoolS­culpting is a procedure for removing stubborn fat deposits that offers many benefits. Here are 5 reasons why this non-invasive procedure has become incre­a­singly popular in recent years.

1) No surgery and very short recovery time: You can start seeing results after just one treatment session, which lasts about an hour. This means you can resume your daily activities, with no downtime, while shaping your body the way you want it.

2) Multiple treatment areas: One of the biggest benefits of CoolS­culpting is the ability to treat multiple areas of the body at once, which is something you can't achieve with surgery. Here are some of the treatment areas we offer at our practice:

  • Belly fat
  • Fat deposits
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Back rolls
  • Bra bulges
  • Chin area

3) Improved Self-Image: For many people, the elimi­nation of stubborn fat has an extremely positive impact on their self-image. In fact, studies show that 90% of patients who have undergone CoolS­culpting treat­ments have experi­enced an impro­vement in their body image. When you look better, you feel better. Therefore, it is only logical that this procedure can have such a great impact on your well-being.

4) No downtime or recovery period: There is no downtime after treatment, which means you can go about your daily activities as usual. For some clients, it may be advisable to take the next day off or refrain from exercising.

5) A non-invasive treatment with FDA approval: cryoli­po­lysis (the process of freezing fat cells) has been used in Europe and Canada for more than 10 years. CoolS­culpting is FDA approved, so you can be sure that you are getting a safe and effective procedure. This is something that every client should consider before deciding which option is best for their needs.

Other benefits include:

  • No general anesthesia, no incision or scar
  • Side effects are minimal for most patients
  • Results can be continued as long as the patient maintains the weight

What are the limita­tions and disad­van­tages of CoolS­culpting treatment?

There are limita­tions and disadvantages:

  • Reduces only fat (minimal shaping ability compared to liposuction)
  • It is not known exactly how much fat is lost, only the percentage can be estimated, this is around 25% from the treated area
  • May require 2 to 3 treat­ments to achieve desired results
  • Possible side effects 
    • Not suitable for patients with signi­ficant amounts of fat
    • Swelling
    • Redness

How much does CoolS­culpting cost?

The cost of CoolS­culpting varies depending on the areas of the body treated and the number of sessions needed. Enclosed you will find the prices per treatment and body area:

Double chin CHF 700
Flank /​Lovehandles (per side) CHF 800
Thighs /​Saddlebags (per side) CHF 800
Inner thighs (per side) CHF 800
Upper arms (per side) CHF 700
Knee area (per side) CHF 700
Chest (Man) (per side) CHF 700
Bra bead (per side) CHF 700
Belly big CHF 800
Belly small CHF 600
Package of 3 zones price on enquiry

For whom is CoolS­culpting suitable?

Yes, CoolS­culpting is suitable for use on both women and men. This procedure is ideal for those who want to lose stubborn fat.

Before you can begin CoolS­culpting treatment, a consul­tation with us is required. Inform us if you have a medical condition or are taking medica­tions that may interfere with the procedure or your body's response to it.

The best candi­dates for CoolS­culpting are indivi­duals who have a small amount of fat in specific areas that they would like to remove without surgery.

CoolS­culpting is not suitable in case of diabetes, or an active infection, a pacemaker, metal implants/​body piercings or pregnancy/​breastfeeding.

Unfort­u­n­ately, CoolS­culpting is not suitable for the treatment of severe obesity.

You will find out whether CoolS­culpting is suitable for you and what individual results you can expect in a detailed consultation.

After pregnancy, some women want to slip back into their favorite jeans. But this is not possible for them because of the remaining body fat.

There are several options for these women. For example, they can either undergo liposuction or try Cools­culpting after pregnancy.

The first option can be considered if one does not have a weight problem or other health issues that could interfere with the surgery. Liposuction removes fat from the entire body, and it is a lengthy process that requires several sessions before you can slip back into your favorite jeans.

Cools­culpting after pregnancy, on the other hand, is an option for women who do not want to undergo surgery. This procedure uses cold tempe­ra­tures combined with controlled pressure to remove the excess fat cells that normally make a woman appear overweight and unattractive.

As you might imagine, there are many women who have become parents and now have to deal with how their bodies have changed as a result. If you are one of these people, you will undoub­tedly be looking for a solution to your new body problems, or at least wondering what options you have to address them.

What areas can be treated with CoolSculpting?

CoolS­culpting can remove fat from any part of the body, but it has a special appeal to be applied to the problem areas that are the hardest to target. The most treated areas include:

  • Fat deposits
  • Flanks
  • Double chin
  • Hips and thighs
  • Back rolls
  • Arm bends and insides

When you are in our practice for your treatment, we can also discuss other possible areas that could benefit from this procedure. We offer compli­mentary consul­ta­tions so you can learn more about your options before deciding if CoolS­culpting is right for you.

CoolS­culpting procedure: How does a CoolS­culpting treatment proceed?

1. Preli­minary discussion/​consultation:

During a CoolS­culpting treatment, a detailed consul­tation with your expert will discuss whether CoolS­culpting treatment is the most appro­priate method for treating the problem area, how the treatment will proceed, what results can be expected and what risks are associated with the potential treatment. Then, the area to be treated is defined so that the CoolS­culpting instrument can be placed in the correct position.

2. Before the treatment:

A gel is applied to the area to be treated. This forms a protective zone between the CoolS­culpting cooler and the skin.

3. During treatment:

When a device with a cooling device is placed on the body, a slight suction effect is created. During the treatment, contact may cause a feeling of tension, tingling, intense cold, tickling, slight pulling, like tingling in the feet or hands.
These sensa­tions usually last about five to 10 minutes per area and should fade once an area reaches the desired cold tempe­rature. Most patients find the sensation relaxing, but if you would like to listen to music or watch a movie during treatment, feel free to bring something with you.

4. After the treatment:

After the treatment, the handpiece with the cooling element is discon­nected and the treatment area is briefly massaged to loosen the treated fat cells and promote fat reduction.

We recommend that you wear comfor­table clothes for this treatment, as you can go home and put on normal clothes immediately after each treatment.

Some patients experience minor skin irritation and redness a few days after treatment, mild swelling and tightness, numbness in the treated area, tingling or itching in the following days, rarely bruising.

If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact us. We are here for you.

How much do you lose with CoolS­culpting? Can you get rid of belly fat with CoolS­culpting treatment?

The most important factor influencing how much fat you can lose is the size of the treatment area. With this method, you can lose up to 25% of your fat deposits in a single session, according to the company. CoolS­culpting is FDA approved, so you can be sure that it is safe and effective.

Where does the fat disappear to after a CoolS­culpting treatment?

CoolS­culpting perma­nently kills fat cells so they are naturally flushed out through your body's metabolism and elimi­nation processes.

Is the effec­ti­veness of CoolS­culpting /​Cryoli­po­lysis scien­ti­fi­cally proven?

Clinical studies have proven that CoolS­culpting is a safe and effective method to reduce fat in problem areas.

The study "Clinical effec­ti­veness of non-invasive cryoli­po­lysis and its effect on peripheral nerves" (2009) proved that fat tissue treated with cryoli­po­lysis could be reduced up to 25%. This result was still visible 6 months after treatment.

CoolS­culpting is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Admini­stration (FDA). The U.S. Food and Drug Admini­stration (FDA) is the U.S. Food and Drug Admini­stration and is under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

What to expect with CoolSculpting?

CoolS­culpting can help reduce stubborn fat in areas such as the abdomen, love handles and thighs. Most people see a noticeable reduction in the size of the treated area after one treatment.

Results vary from person to person, but most people see a signi­ficant reduction in the size of the treated area after just one treatment. A series of two or three treat­ments may be required for optimal results.

Does CoolS­culpting help against cellulite?

CoolS­culpting is designed to target the fat cells in your body. It is not designed to reduce cellulite. Some people may notice an impro­vement in skin texture and stretch marks, as well as a localized reduction in cellulite, but these results depend on your body type and skin condition.

How does CoolS­culpting treatment work?

Cools­culpting is FDA approved and works with an appli­cator in the form of a pillow containing two metal plates. This appli­cator is placed directly on the skin where you want to reduce or eliminate stubborn fat deposits.

The metal plates then cool to -20 degrees Fahrenheit (-4 degrees Celsius) while the fat under the plate begins to crystallize, reducing it over time without surgical inter­vention or downtime. In other words, cryoli­po­lysis freezes the fat cells, which are later removed from the body.

Here are 5 quick facts about how this amazing fat freezing procedure works:

  1. The appli­cator is placed directly on the area of the body to be sculpted. This can include your love handles, lower abdomen, or inner thighs. With the help of a vacuum suction, the appli­cator adheres tightly to the skin, allowing the benefits of cryoli­po­lysis to be even more effective. Also, before putting the appli­cator on, we apply a special gel to make you feel comfor­table throughout the session.
  2. After putting on, the metal plates inside the appli­cator are cooled with liquid nitrogen. The cold tempe­rature acts only on your subcuta­neous fat cells.
  3. The fat cells are crystal­lized - that is, they begin to die and eventually disappear.
  4. The body gets rid of the fat over a period of several weeks, and ideally you will see results quickly.
  5. There is no downtime - you can go about your daily activities as usual after treatment.

How does CoolS­culpting feel and is it painful?

The feeling when the appli­cator is placed on the skin can be a little uncom­for­table, but it should not hurt.

You may feel a slight pressure, but it is also not painful. Patients describe feeling a slight chill or pinch during treatment - this is normal and temporary. Most patients feel very comfor­table during the treatment.

What are the possible risks and side effects of CoolSculpting?

  • CoolS­culpting provides safe, precisely controlled cooling to target fat cells gently and effec­tively under the skin.
  • During treatment, you may occasio­nally feel pulling, tugging, mild pinching or intense cold. Most patients tolerate CoolS­culpting treatment very well, but some may experience temporary redness, mild bruising, numbness, discomfort, or pain.
  • CoolS­culpting is not for everyone, however.
  • If you have diabetes, an active infection, a pacemaker, metal implants/​body piercings, or are pregnant.
  • During a consul­tation prior to treatment, we will clarify all potential risks, so you always know what to expect.

How long does the recovery take?

Can I do sports after CoolS­culpting treatment?

The short answer is yes - you can resume your normal activities after CoolS­culpting treatment. You should still take it easy on the day of treatment. After­wards, light sports are possible. Patients can additio­nally support the removal of fat cells through light sports activities.

How long does the swelling last after CoolS­culpting treatment?

How long the swelling lasts is a common question we hear from our patients.

Swelling is usually most prono­unced in the first few weeks after treatment and subsides afterwards.

How long does it take to see results with CoolSculpting?

Every patient is different, but most people see initial results after the first treatment. Typically, results are visible 1-3 months after treatment.

We recommend scheduling a free consul­tation so we can discuss how many treat­ments you need and what areas we can treat at that time. Our goal is always to provide our clients with the best experience possible.

You should note that it can take up to 6 months to see your results, as your body is constantly shedding dead cells and replacing them with healthy ones.

Can I enhance CoolS­culpting results through exercise and sports?

If you want to improve your overall fitness and physique, it is important to include regular physical activity in your program. Even after CoolS­culpting treatment, exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

CoolS­culpting can help reduce fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise, but it is not a substitute for a good exercise program. In fact, many people find that they have even more energy and motivation to stay active after CoolS­culpting treatment.

There are many ways to exercise, so find something you enjoy and stick with it. Whether you prefer running, biking, or lifting weights, there's something for everyone. And don't forget stret­ching - it's an important part of any fitness routine.

Regular exercise is important for maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, and improving your overall mood. So, get out there and work up a sweat. You'll be glad you did.

How long do the results of a CoolS­culpting treatment last?

The results are permanent. Patients usually achieve the best results after two or three months, but you can maintain your sculpted appearance with diet and exercise. Of course, the possible results (and their sustaina­bility) always depend on your personal consti­tution and lifestyle.

How many sessions are needed?

The first time you undergo the CoolS­culpting procedure, you may not notice any drastic changes. This is because your body needs to eliminate the frozen fat cells first.

However, with each subse­quent treatment, the results will become more noticeable. Typically, two to three treat­ments are recom­mended to achieve optimal results. Some patients experience a noticeable change in contours after just one session; however, results may vary from individual to individual.

For optimal results, treat­ments are spaced two months apart over a six-month period. The exact number of treat­ments varies from person to person.

The total number of treat­ments required to achieve your desired result depends on several factors: Your body fat percentage, age, gender, weight, exercise program and diet, and personal goals.

We offer free consul­ta­tions and would love to talk with you about whether CoolS­culpting is right for you.

How long does a CoolS­culpting treatment last?

As a rule, treat­ments last about an hour.

What makes CoolS­culpting different from other methods? What makes the procedure unique?

Only CoolS­culpting offers comfort during treatment and has been tested, validated, and proven to produce consi­stent, long-term results in two clinical trials.

Other advan­tages over other methods:

  • Body contouring with results that look great
  • No downtime
  • Pain-free and no surgery required
  • Consi­stent, predic­table results
  • Full body contouring
  • You lose up to 20 cm in the waist or thighs

When and how was CoolS­culpting discovered?

CoolS­culpting was invented in 2007 and made available to the public in 2010. The company ZELTIQ currently holds the patents for CoolS­culpting and was approved by the FDA in 2010.

ZELTIQ's CoolS­culpting procedure was invented by Dieter Manstein of Massa­chu­setts General Hospital and Rox Anderson of Harvard Medical School. Their early prototype was developed to advance cryoli­po­lysis studies that were conducted in 2008.

They were looking for a way to freeze fat cells and destroy them without damaging other cells. They disco­vered that by freezing fat cells at a very precise tempe­rature, they are killed while the surrounding tissue remains healthy.