LED Photo­therapy Zürich with Healite II

Treat wrinkles, acne or pigment spots without chemicals? Thanks to the gentle and innovative light therapy provided by the Healite II, this is possible. Depending on the wavelength of the coloured light emitted, different, positive effects on the skin are produced.

Yellow light:

  • Wound healing
  • Positive effect on active acne
  • Skin rejuve­nation

Red light:

  • Renewed hair growth
  • Skin rejuve­nation
  • Positive effect on active acne
LED Phototherapie Zürich

LED Photo­therapy at a glance

Duration approx. 1 hour
Painless Yes
Follow-up treatment No

LED Photo­therapy Prices

Fqace CHF 80
Face, 6 sessions CHF 420
Further zones price on enquiry

LED Photo­therapy Information

LED photo­therapy with Healite II stimu­lates the skin’s collagen production and as a result refines pores, tightens skin without filler injec­tions, and, to a certain extent, corrects UV-light-related damage. This innovative light treatment is also incre­a­singly being used against acne with great success, and the positive effect of light therapies on the skin has already been confirmed in numerous scien­tific studies.

Depending on the treatment area, photo­therapy takes place either in a partial sitting position or lying down. Next, the client‘s eyes are covered with special glasses if necessary, and the skin is thoroughly cleaned.

The light rays of the Healite II penetrate deep into the skin layers and stimulate various cellular processes. However, unlike with the lights used in solariums or laser therapies, the skin is not heated during treatment, thereby avoiding skin damage and pain. Light therapy is therefore one of the gentlest and safest treat­ments for the face, as it does not subject the skin to tingling, burning, irritation or rashes.

As a rule, you can look forward to more beautiful skin for 4 to 6 weeks. In most cases, the treatment is repeated every 4 weeks. The treatment is very popular as a way to freshen the skin before an event.

Not at all. The treatment even feels pleasant on the skin.

Normally, we recommend repeating the treatment appro­xi­m­ately every 4 weeks. For the treatment of acne, a shorter interval may be recom­mended by the aesthe­tician at the beginning of the treatment.

Especially in summer, sun exposure is to be avoided for the first week after treatment. At the very least, use a good sunscreen with a sun protection factor of 50+. Saunas should be avoided one day before and after the treatment.

The treatment is safe and effective for all skin types. No negative effects on health have been observed.


If you have any questions, would like a consul­tation or a treatment appointment, we look forward to hearing from you.