Cosmelan Depig­men­tation Peeling

Cosmelan peeling is a means of rejuve­nating the skin by smoothing fine wrinkles, improving slight acne scars, pigment spots and sun damage, and refining pores.

This type of peeling is based on the inhibition of tyrosinase, an enzyme active in the production of melanin. The peeling action on the top layers of the skin also stimu­lates rejuve­nation. The ingre­dients used in the peeling include azelaic acid, phytic acid, cojicic acid and vitamin C.

Cosmelan Behandlung Zürich

Cosmelan Depig­men­tation Peeling at a glance

Duration approx. 1 hour
Painless Yes
Follow-up treatment No

Cosmelan Depig­men­tation Peeling Prices

Per treatment CHF 990

Cosmelan Depig­men­tation Peeling Information

  • Melasma
  • Pigmen­tation caused by hormones
  • Pigmen­tation caused by medication
  • Age spots
  • Freckles
  • Sun damage

The Cosmelan peeling is an outpa­tient treatment followed by a home care protocol.

  • During the outpa­tient treatment, the skin is first thoroughly cleaned and then treated with a degre­asing solution. The Cosmelan mask is then applied to the entire region to be treated.
  • This mask remains on the patient’s skin for a period of time tailored to the client’s own skin condition.
  • The exposure time of the mask can range from 5 to 10 hours.
  • When the exposure time has ended, the mask is washed off with lukewarm water after which the skin is hydrated with Hydra Vital K cream.
  • A client will receive detailed instruc­tions for the home care protocol that follows.

For the subse­quent home care protocol, you will receive detailed instruc­tions from us. Sunscreen is of utmost importance and is essential for the care of the skin during and after treatment. Insuf­fi­cient sun protection or strong sun exposure will stimulate the formation of new pigment spots. After the treatment, you should avoid visiting the sauna and solarium for 4 weeks. Creams and cosmetics that are not part of the home care protocol can affect the treatment’s results. In parti­cular, vitamin A-containing drugs and other substances that contribute to pigmen­tation are to be avoided for 4 weeks.

Side effects may include redness, crust formation, skin infec­tions, increased sun sensi­tivity, re-pigmen­tation of the skin, prolonged scaling, bruising, swelling, and eye and mucous membrane irritation due to improper use.

As a rule, you can resume your daily activities because no downtime is required.


If you have any questions, would like a consul­tation or a treatment appointment, we look forward to hearing from you.