Permanent Make Up Zurich

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Permanent make-up is a cosmetic treatment that can be used to embellish eyebrows, eyelids, lips, scars and nipples through the use of pigmentation.

Permanent Make Up at a glance

Duration approx. 1 hour
Painless Yes
Follow-up treatment Yes

Permanent Make Up Prices

Eyeliner CHF 600
Lips CHF 700
Refreshing price on enquiry
Scar treatment price on enquiry
Medical Permanent Make Up CHF 400
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Permanent Make Up FAQ - questions & answers

Micro-pigmen­tation can be applied to facial areas as well as to other parts of the body.


Micro-pigmen­tation completely corrects thin and/​or irregular hair growth of the eyebrows by creating a flat and even eyebrow line. Any scars in the eyebrows can also be camou­flaged by the treatment. Over-epilated eyebrows can also be corrected to regain a perfect, even appearance.


By relying on different color combi­na­tions, micro-pigmen­tation can change and beautify the appearance and radiance of the eyes. As a form of eyeliner, pigmen­tation can be applied between the lashes, ensuring a natural and full eyelash.


A natural-looking supplement or an additional accent to the lips can be achieved by using micro-pigmen­tation for lip contours. Creation of a symme­trical appearance of the lips is another important application.


Scars represent the final state of a healed wound. Everyone can relate to the feeling of having an undesi­rable scar. Especially for flat scars without strong keloid formation, micro-pigmen­tation can be used to improve the appearance of the skin tissue by means of color-precise pigmen­tation. Scars can be camou­flaged by re-pigmenting the skin, as long as they are at least one year old. Thanks to the manifold possi­bi­lities of medical pigmen­tation, it is now possible to achieve signi­ficant aesthetic impro­ve­ments on skin tissue.

Retouched and recons­tructed nipples:

After the healing process is complete for scars resulting from breast surgery, they can be retouched by medical permanent make-up. Using color, micro-pigmen­tation blends the scars into the appearance of the surrounding skin. A complete optical recons­truction of the areola complex (nipple and areola) using a natural and unique color and shape is also possible. Even on close inspection, an artificial areola is almost indistin­gu­is­hable from a natural one.

In permanent make-up through micro-pigmen­tation, a special skin-friendly pigment is intro­duced using a minuscule oscil­lating needle. For this specia­lized and precise treatment, profes­sional skills and reliable equipment are a prerequisite.

We use ISO-certified products. Our device offers the highest quality and precision, which reduces skin injuries to the bare minimum. The digital control ensures a consi­stent penetration frequency even with different skin resistance levels. This control is the only way to ensure a steady guidance of the needle as well as injec­tions that are exactly the same size and are equidi­stant. It thus leads to a more beautiful result and to the highest-quality micro-pigmentation.

  • Do not visit saunas and solariums within 7 days of pigmentation.
  • Protect the treated areas from the sun. If the treated areas are protected from the sun in the long term, the quality of the micro-pigmen­tation will be preserved.
  • Dietary supple­ments that promote regene­ration (zinc, vitamin E) have a detri­mental effect on color development.
  • Do not apply wound and healing ointments after pigmentation.
  • Do not scrape away skin flakes that arise after treatment. Instead, clean and care for the skin only with recom­mended products.
  • Pigmen­tation will lose up to 50% of its color intensity within 7 to 14 days. The colors develop according to their own color type (warm/​cold).

The pigmented areas can tighten or itch within 3 days of treatment. Temporary swelling and redness can occur.


If you have any questions, would like a consul­tation or a treatment appointment, we look forward to hearing from you.